The Neverending List... :'(
Ok, it's almost 12 hours after my previous post, and I have only completed like... 3 out of 10 of the things I planned to do... sigh... Preparing the test papers took up a huge bulk of my time... Looks like I have to move the remaining 7 things here... to what I call The Neverending List... Is there something I don't have to do? :'(
The Neverending List - Work Related
1. September Monthly Report
2. Performance Appraisal
3. Send product complaints
4. Write reply letters to complainants
5. Clear 975 read emails (updated 1:20pm)
6. Mark tests (new staff orientation tests)
7. Mark tests - quarterly quiz
8. Analysis of the quarterly quiz
9. Call customers
10. Compile Brunei registration documents
11. Send slides to Vietnam for translation
12. Update AVA on lutein approval status
13. Compile data requested by AVA
14. Conduct product training - trade promoters
15. Oct 12 - conduct Nurses Roadshow talk on lutein (Ipoh)
16. Oct 14 - fieldwork with sales rep
17. Re-schedule 3 fieldworks to Oct or Nov
18. Compile report for Tuas plant
19. Train new staff in Vietnam - dates not confirmed (5 days)
20. Submit registration dossier to Brunei MOH (in person)
21. Oct 18 - conduct Parenting Public Forum talk on lutein in Shangri-La KL
22. Oct 21 - fieldwork with sales rep
23. Oct 22 - fieldwork with sales rep
24. Oct 24 - help facilitate Round Table Discussion on lutein (KL)
25. Oct 25 - help facilitate Round Table Discussion on lutein (Ipoh)
26. Oct 30 - help facilitate Round Table Discussion on lutein (Alor Setar)
27. Oct 31 - conduct Nurses Roadshow talk on lutein (Alor Setar)
28. October Monthly Report
29. Sit for Code of Conduct Training by TODAY! (29th September)
30. Approve promotional materials
31. Arrange my workplace
32. Revise Code of Ethics slides
33. Prepare tests for Venus
34. Prepare re-sits for the new staff
35. Get Tuas plant comparison between old formulation and new formulation
36. Read up on homology and update everyone
37. Give definition to terms requested by MRA Team
38. Answer Gelia on HMF
39. Answer Eliz on RTF
40. Prepare registration for new formula for next year
41. Update MIMS by today (Sept 29)
42. Call AVA to enquire on parallel import
43. Refine nucleotides slides
44. Communicate updated nucleotides slides to everyone
The Neverending List - Non-work related
1. Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep daily
2. Nov 3 - go to Klang Hockien Association to book Feb 14, 2009 as marriage registration date
3. Meet up with Pastor Sally to discuss church policy on wedding
4. Book restaurants for wedding in KL and Kuching
5. Plan for wedding
6. Plan my studying - TOEFL and GMAT
7. Plan my future plans in US
8. Plan what to do with my belongings - books, car, house
9. Repair my car
10. Service my car
11. Change water filter
12. Change upstairs light bulb
13. Fix air-cond
14. Fix TV
15. Cancel MBf credit card (forgot to, even though not using for ages)
16. Take picture and blog about my new specs!
17. Sell off my used movie CDs/DVDs and IDE Express (the cables)
18. Shine FABI shoes
19. Wash North Star shoes
20. Repair FABI shoes
21. Clear drains
22. Wash all floor mats
The lists are not complete yet... still more to come... to be updated later, when I get to office.
So tell me... when will I get to be FREE?

Oh by the way... from this post onwards, I'm switching to Trebuchet (font), no longer using Verdana... Dunno, somehow, this font looks more matured to me. More professional... :P and also a different shade of BLUE, previously, this BLUE. I know I am talking crappy... coz it's 2:22am now... LOL... gotta catch some sleep now!
Have a great week ahead, friends! God bless you.